Surgery Prep

My older Sister I have to say is one of the people who has got me through and kept me going. After every appointment we spoke on the phone and she talked me through everything. I’ve not seen her since before Christmas because just 3 days before Christmas she was climbing her own mountain and having surgery for breast cancer. I know right...bloody hell...both of us. Cancer loves my family! She had two surgeries over Christmas and New Year and thankfully she is doing great.

Toy Story - Disney Pixar

She prepped me for surgery going through every detail and telling me what to pack in my bag.
A few week's before she had sent me Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club. Somebody had sent it her when she went off work to have surgery. She told me to pack it in my bag, that and Where the Crawdad’s Sing. I wouldn’t regret it she said as it would pass the waiting time. I also had three magazines (take them all she said) and snacks and water, just in case.

I was going in for day surgery but my sister told me to be prepared, if you feel like rubbish then don’t go home, stay in and rest so pack just in case you stay. Take your pyjamas, phone charger, toiletries, clean underwear...take it all! She also told me to take slippers that could then be thrown away after because I’d be traipsing through the hallways and around the ward. It was all good advice. Sarah had made surgery look easy, she’d gone in, had her surgery and was home in time for Motherland and a cup of tea. I hoped I would be the same and home in time for Bake Off and dinner.

I also packed headphones, essential oil to calm my nerves and my cosiest dressing gown. A bit of money, the monkeys and my angry eyes! Sorry we watch a lot of Disney in this house. I’d asked Janne to pick up a bottle of water for me and he’d come back with a bottle the size of a barrel, my bag looked like something Mary Poppins would carry but it was all in and thanks to my super-organised Sister I was ready for anything that was going to be thrown at me. 


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